Nov. 21, 2010

Drawing by Primo.


Primo often finds me drawing at the computer, and has always been interested enough to at least pause and ask what it is I’m doing. Lately he’s started asking if he can have a turn. Whenever he asks, I gladly save whatever I’m working on and hand over the WACOM pen, then watch with pride as he climbs up into my old office chair, settles the huge tablet on his lap and starts to draw with complete abandon. Love that kid.

The other day he drew the top drawing, above, and I thought it would be fun to do a cooperative drawing.

I was right. It was fun.

4 thoughts on “Nov. 21, 2010

  1. I think a collaborative children’s book is in order! you could do a twist on Harold and the Purple Crayon.

  2. I can just hear him after you showed him your vers of his drawing. “Yeah, that’s right dad. Good job.” With that encouraging smile.

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